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Regeneration is just as much a part of a successful athlete as nutrition and training!

Unfortunately, this part is often neglected. Even in the studio, there's still a saying that "a lot helps a lot," which is just plain wrong.

Since the muscle not only recovers in the rest phase in order to be fully productive again the next time, it also processes the set stimulus in order to grow.

It is therefore extremely important for growth to plan sufficient breaks between the training days.

Basically, the more intense the training, the longer the rest period should be.

We cannot generalize about a time frame at this point, as it depends very much on various factors.

Someone who is just starting out with weight training should rather put in longer regeneration phases than an experienced athlete who knows his body.

A warm-up and cool-down program should be part of every training session, as this will prevent injuries and start regeneration with the cool-down.

And a rest phase is not only of great importance for sport. We need frequent breaks to be able to perform at our best.

This way you can clear your head and give your body and mind the opportunity to "slow down".

The best way for each of you to calm down is to find out for yourself, as the possibilities are endless and personality plays a crucial role here.

Some people relax best with friends, for example at game nights. Others draw new strength from the quiet, for example by sitting down in the living room with music and a book.

On non-training days, simple things like going for a walk, easy cycling or getting enough sleep are just as effective

pillars of regeneration

There are many ways to regenerate.

We have put together the most elementary and effective measures for you.

Wonder weapon sleep

Sleep is one of the basic human needs and is absolutely vital. Restful & sufficient sleep helps to process the impressions of the day and the recovery of the immune system, metabolism and muscles. For 18-65 year olds, 7-9 hours of sleep is recommended.

Nutrition is the be-all and end-all

You would never put cheap oil in a new sports car, would you?

Good for muscles, heart and mind

Anyone who has ever had a sauna knows the great feeling after a few hot sauna sessions followed by an ice bath or cold shower. You feel reborn and deeply relaxed. In fact, this feeling is not just subjective, as taking a sauna has a number of advantages.

Mental balance through meditation

Regeneration takes place holistically - in the body and in the mind. An overworked and scattered mind is just as draining as an overworked body. Meditation is an excellent way to organize your thoughts, reduce stress and achieve mental regeneration.

The power of the cold

With the cold against the common cold - that actually works. There is a very effective combination of breathing exercises and cold training, which brings great benefits in the areas of sports, the immune system and mental alertness.

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